Wzrost opłat za francuskie autostrady
Od 0,87% do 2,04% – o tyle od 1 lutego 2018r wzrosły opłaty za przejazdy francuskimi autostradami.
Francja znacząco zwiększyła opłaty za przejazd na 9 tys, kilometrów autostrad. Firmy koncesjonujące tłumaczą podwyżki wzrostem inflacji i kosztami utrzymania.
Największy wzrost, wynoszący 2,04% odnotowano na trasach Rhône-Alpes
Higher toll charges on French motorways
The new tariffs came into effect on 1 February 2018 toll, with increases ranging from 0.87% to 2.04%.
Toll charges have been raised on 9000 km of French motorways. The French motorway companies justify the increase by the rise in inflation and higher maintenance costs.
The highest increase of 2.04% was recorded on the motorways the southern region of Rhône-Alpes.
Nowy elektroniczny system opłat za przejazdy w Słowenii
Od 1 kwietnia 2018 r Słowenia przechodzi na nowy system opłat elektronicznych.
Wszystkie pojazdy o dmc powyżej 3,5t muszą być zaopatrzone w nowe urządzenie – DarsGo. Dotychczasowe karty Dars lub urządzenia ABC nie będą działały po 1 kwietnia tego roku.
Pojazdy można wyposażyć w nowe urządzenie na jednej ze stacji OMV w Słowenii.
Uwaga! Dotychczasowe rabaty jakie były przyznawane w przypadku załadowania karty Dars w systemie pre pay po 1 kwietnia przestają obowiązywać.
Uwaga! Wzmożone kontrole na drogach w całej UE
Służby kontrolne w całej Europie będą zwracały szczególną uwagę na wykonywanie usług transportowych zgodnie z przepisami krajowymi, jak również międzynarodowymi.
Międzynarodowe stowarzyszenie zrzeszające policje drogowe krajów UE – TISPOL, zapowiedziało wzmożone kontrole pojazdów w dniach od 26 lutego do 4 marca.
Intensive road side checks all over EU
Inspection authorities throughout Europe are going to pay special attention to whether transport services are being provided in compliance with national and international regulations.
The European Traffic Police Network TISPOL has announced plans to conduct intensive vehicle inspections in the period from 26 February to 4 March.
New electronic toll system for trucks in Slovenia
On 1 April 2018 the Republic of Slovenia will introduce a free-flow electronic tolling system for all vehicles with a permissible maximum weight of over 3.5 tonnes.
All vehicles of this type will have to be equipped with a new DarsGo unit. The system will not be compatible with existing Dars cards and ABC tags.
New devices can be registered and purchased at DarsGo services, selected rest areas and border-crossings.
Remember! Existing discounts awarded after topping up a Dars card in the pre-pay system will no longer be honoured after 1 April.
Will German parking facilities be more secure?
The Federal Office for the Transport of Goods in Germany has launched a funding programme to cover the major part of the costs of using secure parking facilities for lorries.
Currently in Germany there are 20 parking facilities with a high standard of security. Given the size of the country and the length of the motorway network, it is a drop in the ocean.
Manufacturers and transport companies in Europe are losing 1.3 billion euro annually as a result of cargo theft. It is estimated that physical cargo carried onboard almost 26,000 trucks is stolen in Germany every year.
Maddalena Pass closed for another 2 months
The border road between Italy and France, an important transport route for the region of Piemont, has been closed to lorry traffic for 90 days and will remain closed for another two weeks owing to rockfalls
It looks like there is no peace on the Maddalena Pass (Colle della Maddalena in Italian): first it was fires, and now bad weather conditions, which have resulted in a 90-day traffic ban for lorries. On the French side, the prefecture of Barcellonette predicts that the Dipartimentale 900 road, which leads to the Maddalena Pass, will remain closed for another two months. The news has been announced by the Astra Association of Transport Companies, which explains that the ban has been caused by the unstable condition of the retaining wall along the road.
The ban applies to all HGVs with gross vehicle weight exceeding 19 t and will remain in force until the road is safe for driving.
Deutschland: Überholverbote auf der A14
Insgesamt sechs Überholverbote für Lkw werden auf den Autobahnen des Freistaats eingerichtet:
A4: Anschlussstellen Hermsdorf bis Ohorn in Richtung Thüringen
A14/A4: Autobahndreieck Nossen bis Anschlussstelle Nossen-Ost in Richtung Dresden
A14: Anschlussstellen Mutzschen bis Leipzig Ost in Richtung Dresden
A72: Anschlussstellen Treuen bis Reichenbach in Richtung Leipzig
A72: Anschlussstellen Reichenbach bis Zwickau-West in Richtung Leipzig
A72: Anschlussstellen Zwickau-Ost bis Chemnitz-Süd
Die Überholverbote sollen bis Ende Mai eingerichtet sein.
Additional traffic bans for lorries in Austria. The first one starts on March 30
In addition to the normal calendar of bans scheduled in 2018, concerning holidays and night driving bans, the Austrian government has introduced additional bans that will only apply to selected transit roads.
The affected motorways are A12 Inntalautobahn and A13 Brennerautobahn, but there are also some bans on five national roads. Periods when the bans are in effect depend on the direction of travel, since they are connected with bans in the neighbouring countries, i.e. Italy and Germany. The bans do not apply to vehicles that have obtained exemptions for travelling in both countries concerned.
For more details visit www.trafficban.com in the tab for Austria and in the press release