Slovakia: additional HGV ban
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of the Slovak Nation, the country’s Parliament adopted a bill implementing a one-off...
Read MoreAustria – Tirol wants more HGV traffic bans
Under the “Anti-Transit Package”, which is to come into effect from 1st August 2019, the sectoral HGV traffic ban is to be extended to goods carried by...
Read MoreFrance: eco-tax for HGVs from 430 to 1200 euro
The French Minister of Transport has confirmed that the government is planning to introduce an eco-tax on heavy goods vehicles, which will be used to...
Read MoreSpain: Navarra and Guipúzcoa lift HGV restrictions on N-121 and A-15
In early June, the authorities of the province of Navarra agreed to impose restrictions on HGV traffic on the N-121 road, in connection with reconstruction...
Read MoreGermany – A40-bridge on the Rhein now closed to heavy trucks
After the A1 in Leverkusen it is now time for the A40 in Duisburg: In North Rhine-Westphalia, another important motorway bridge over the Rhine for was...
Read MoreObligatory use of winter tyres, snow chains and studded tyres. What you need to know. Part 2
Courtesy of Continental, we bring you a round-up of information about the European regulations for winter equipment on trucks and buses for winter...
Read MoreWracają tymczasowe kontrole na granicach
Ma to związek z konferencją w sprawie budowania pokoju i bezpieczeństwa na Bliskim Wschodzie, która odbędzie się w Warszawie w dniach 13-14 lutego br.Od 10...
Read MoreNiemcy: całkowicie zamknięta A10 w kierunku Hamburga
W związku z prowadzonymi robotami drogowymi od 22:00 w piątek do 8:00 w niedzielę całkowicie zamknięto A10 pomiędzy Pankow a Birkenwerder.Kierowcy jadący w...
Read MoreHighways England: Upcoming A3 Closures
Highways England will be undertaking essential maintenance work to resurface sections of the A3, northbound and southbound carriageways near Godalming...
Read MoreEngland: overnight closures on M25 Dartford Crossing in March
Sections of the M25 at the Dartford Crossing will be closed overnight for the majoirty of March for planned maintenance work to take place.The following...
Read MoreCałkowite zamknięcie tunelu Mont Blanc
Utrudnienia spowodowane są ceremonią upamiętniającą wybuch pożaru w 1999 roku.W niedzielę 24 marca ruch w tunelu Mont Blanc będzie całkowicie wstrzymany: -...
Read MoreFrom today on: HGV traffic restrictions in London
The restrictions are associated with the introduction of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), which starts operating today, with the goal of improving air...
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