Germany: the bridge on the Rhine in Krefeld closed to HGVs
The closure applies to vehicles with a mass over 7.5 tonnes and comes into effect on Friday, 13 September, at 5:00 pm.
The closure is due to recently detected serious damage in the concrete deck slabs on the underside of the bridge. A renovation concept is to be ready by the middle of October.
Belgium: parking ban in the Barchon rest area
In view of the serious problem of illegal immigrants trying to sneak on board parked trucks at night as stowaways, the governor of the Liège province has imposed a parking ban on vehicles over 3.5 t in the Barchon rest area on the E40 motorway in the direction of Brussels. The ban is in effect between 8:00 pm and 7:00 am in the period from 23rd October to 7th November. The rest area can be used by other vehicles during the night.
France – road blockades in the north of the country and along the border with Belgium
French road transport associations OTRE and FNTR have announced strikes to exert pressure on the French government, who has recently adopted a series of economic measures including an increase in the price of Diesel fuel.
The demonstration, scheduled to take place this Thursday (28 Nov), will involve a slow roll protest along all lanes of the A2 motorway in the direction of Lille. Another slow roll protest will be organised on the A1 motorway on 5th December, also in the direction of Lille.
As announced, the protests will also be held on the French-Belgian border in Ghyvelde. In the days to come trade unionists may also organise demonstrations at all motorway service areas across the country in protest against the government’s decision to cut the amount of excise tax that French hauliers are allowed to deduct.
Italy – carriage of dangerous goods prohibited on A4
Autostrade per l \’Italia has announced that from December 10, 2019 to May 31, 2021 industrial vehicles carrying dangerous goods will not be able to travel along the motorway connecting Sesto San Giovanni with Milano Viale Certosa towards Turin.
In connection with the construction of the fourth lane on the motorway, from Tuesday, 10th December, vehicles with a maximum authorised mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes carrying ADR loads will not be able to use the A4 motorway section between Sesto San Giovanni and Milano Viale Certosa towards Turin . The ban will apply daily from 6.00 am to 8.00 pm until May 31, 2021. However, it may be extended.
For those coming from Venice and heading for Turin, the recommended detour runs along the eastern bypass road A51 and then along the A50.
Alternatively, vehicles traveling on the A4 from Venice can take the A52 and follow road 35, then road 46 towards Bollate.
Węgry z dodatkowym zakazem dla samochodów ciężarowych
Obowiązujący dotychczas nocny zakaz jazdy na drodze nr 86 między Mosonmagyaróvár i Csorną dla pojazdów powyżej 20 t dmc między 22:00 a 6:00, od 1 marca 2020 roku został zastąpiony całodobowym zakazem ruchu tranzytowego.
Wraz z wprowadzeniem tego nowego ograniczenia, ruch pojazdów ciężarowych między Mosonmagyaróvár a Csorną będzie odbywał się M1-M85-M86. Władze węgierskie mają nadzieję, że takie rozwiązanie będzie miało pozytywny wpływ na warunki życia osób mieszkających wzdłuż drogi nr 86.
Hungary: additional HGV driving ban
The current night driving ban for vehicles above 20 t MPW, which was in force (from 10pm to 6 am) on road no. 86 between Mosonmagyaróvár and Csorna, has been replaced with a general ban on transit traffic, starting from 1 March.
From now on, fright traffic between Mosonmagyaróvár and Csorna will continue along the M1 motorway and the M85 road. The authorities the measure will have a positive effect on the roadside settlements, which will be less exposed to environmental emissions.
France: driving ban lifted on 22 March
This Sunday in France, there will be no traffic ban for trucks.
To facilitate the replenishment of stocks, the state will grant this Sunday a unique authorization to trade all heavy goods vehicles.
Francja zawiesza przepisy czasu pracy kierowców oraz znosi zakazy jazdy dla ciężarówek
Tymczasowe złagodzenie przepisów ma związek z wybuchem epidemii wirusa COVID-19.
Francuski rząd podjął decyzję o zniesieniu zakazów jazdy dla wszystkich pojazdów o dmc powyżej 7,5t.
Wydane rozporządzenie zezwala na stosowanie w transporcie drogowym towarów następujących odstępstw:
– wydłużenie dziennego czasu prowadzenia pojazdu do 10 godzin dziennie lub 11 godzin dziennie dwa razy w tygodniu;
– wydłużenie tygodniowego czasu prowadzenia pojazdu do 60 godzin tygodniowo i 102 godzin w ciągu dwóch kolejnych tygodni, pod warunkiem że wydłużenia te są zgodne z przepisami prawnymi i wykonawczymi dotyczącymi czasu pracy i odpoczynku mającymi zastosowanie do kierowców.
Wyjątki te obowiązują do 20 kwietnia.
Latvia – derogations from driving times and rest periods
Due to the spread of the coronavirus, the Latvian authorities have decided to temporarily relax the rules on driving times and resting periods for truck drivers, which will apply from March 26 to April 25.
The derogation applies to drivers in domestic and international transport operating in the territory of the Republic of Latvia.
The derogation applies to drivers in domestic and international transport operating in the territory of the Republic of Latvia.
Derogations from Regulation (EC) No 561/2006:
* 11 hours of daily driving time (instead of 9 hours)
* 60 hours of weekly driving time (instead of 56 hours)
* 96 hours of fortnightly driving time (instead of 90 hours)
* 45 minutes break after 5.5 hours of driving (instead of 4.5 hours)
* normal weekly rest period of at least 24 hours without any compensation (instead of 45 hours)
March 30 – drivers entering Latvia have to complete a form (in English) in which they agree not to visit public places / stay in public places (except for parking lots and gas stations)
Slovakia: 7th June without a trucks ban
The truck driving ban was lifted on June 7, 2020.
The changes are related to the possibility of stagnation in deliveries, which the Slovak police want to avoid.