HGV restrictions in Catalonia
Owing to forecasts of significant increases in traffic volume on the 30th of September and 2nd of October, an additional restriction will be introduced on some road and motorway sections for vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum authorised mass of more than 7.5 tons, which are required to use the right lane and must not overtake other vehicles and drive faster than 80 km/h.
On Friday, September 30, between 3:00 PM and 9:00 PM, the restrictions will apply on the following road sections:
➖ the AP-7 motorway, between KP 126, exit 12B at La Roca del Vallés, Granollers and the junction with the C-60 in La Roca del Vallés, and KP 172, exit 25 at Martorell and the junction with the A-2 in the Martorell commune;
➖ the AP-7 motorway in the territory of Terres de l’Ebre, where there are only two lanes, between KP 257, exit 35 at Vila-seca, Salou, Reus S. and Port Aventura, in the municipality of Vila-seca, and KP 344,8 the border between Tarragona and Castellón, in the municipality of Ulldecona.
On Sunday, October 2, between 3:00 PM and 10:00 PM, the restrictions will apply on the following road sections:
➖ the northbound AP-7 motorway, between KP 111.1, exit 11 at Sant Celoni and Montseny in the commune of Sant Celoni, and KP 133.8, exit 13 at Granollers, Montornès del Vallès and Vilanova del Vallés, in the municipality of Montornès del Vallès.
Czech authorities introduce controls on the border with Slovakia
The goal is to prevent illegal migration and activities of organized groups of smugglers.
Given the growing scale of illegal transit migration to the Czech Republic, the country’s government has decided to reintroduce temporary controls on the border with Slovakia from September 29 to October 8, 2022. Border controls will be restored along the entire length of the state border with Slovakia at 27 former border crossings, including 17 road, 7 rail and 3 river border crossings.
The government has reintroduced border controls following recent efforts by the police to prevent a growing number of people from illegally crossing the border with Slovakia.
Hungary: toll increases to be introduced sooner than expected
The Association of Hungarian Road Hauliers (MKFE) has informed about an immediate amendment to the toll regulation, which was unexpectedly published in the Hungarian Official Journal on the night of September 19. As a result, the toll increase, previously planned to take place on January 1, 2023, will be brought forward.
MKFE emphasizes that the decree on toll increases was ameded without notifying representatives of the transport associations. On the basis of a preliminary but unofficial calculation, the toll increase corresponds to the rate of inflation in August, specified in the previous decree, but the increase will take effect in less than a month and not from the start of 2023.
What the transport sector finds disconcerting is the fact that the government’s decision will cause freight rates to go up, which will threaten the liquidity and profitability of transport companies.
In the case of contracts usually awarded in annual tenders, haulier costs are calculated by taking into all fees set out in applicable regulations; based on these calculations contracting parties determine freight rates which apply for the duration of a given contract. In the case of tolls, the calculation is based on the inflation adjustment introduced in 2020, which was used to calculate toll rates that are in effect in 2022. This regulatory framework has been replaced by the unexpected amendment, which will drive up hauliers‘ costs since October 1. These additional costs will have to be immediately included in their freight rates. That leaves much less time for companies to get ready than is usually the case. Independent experts estimate that a 15.6% toll increase will entail an immediate increase in freight rates by 3-4%.
The unexpected change in the conditions set out in the regulation is likely to undermine trust between customers and hauliers, which will be particularly detrimental to Hungarian hauliers that are struggling to compete in the international market. The unexpected toll increases are particularly damaging to micro, small and medium-sized hauliers, which often have no choice but to charge freight rates that are just above or even below their costs. Toll increases are bound to disrupt budgets planned for the current year and cause financial difficulties even in companies with much capital.
With transport costs constantly on the rise and driver shortages plaguing the transport sector, it is increasingly difficult to maintain the stability of supply chains. For this reason, representatives of the Hungarian transport industry are asking the government to support the sector by all possible means, e.g. by immediately introducing a system for reducing tolls for large hauliers, and by giving all domestic enterprises and sole proprietors the opportunity to pay tolls at a later date.
Netherlands: Haringvlietbrug closing at weekend
Renovation works on the bridge will be from Friday, August 26, 2022, from 21:30 to Monday, August 29, 2022 to 5:00 .
During the works, the bridge will be closed to all traffic. The Kiltunnel ride will be free for the entire weekend. Road users must take into account additional travel time.
Germany: Exceptional exemption from the Sunday and holiday HGV driving ban for the transport of mineral oil and liquefied gas
The reason for the decision is the shortage of the inland waterway and rail transport capacities as well as the growing demand for fossil fuels.
The exemption has been issued by the Saxon Ministry of Transport to facilitate the transport of all types of mineral oil (heating oil/diesel/kerosene/petrol) and liquefied gas (butan/propane) within the Free State of Saxony. The purpose of the exemption is to maintain the functioning of supply chains in the energy sector.
The exemption is in effect from Sunday, September 18, until Sunday, January 1, 2023 and also applies to empty journeys directly related to transports mentioned above.
HGV restrictions in Catalonia
Owing to forecasts of significant increases in traffic volume on the 23rd, 25th and 26th of September, an additional restriction has been introduced on some road and motorway sections for vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum authorised mass of more than 7.5 tons, which are required to use the right lane and must not overtake other vehicles and drive faster than 80 km/h.
The restriction on Friday, September 23, from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM will apply on
➖ the AP-7 motorway, between KP 126, exit 12B at La Roca del Vallés, Granollers and the junction with the C-60 in La Roca del Vallés, and KP 172, exit 25 at Martorell and the junction with the A-2 in the Motoresll commune, from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM;
➖ the AP-7 motorway in the territory of Terres de l’Ebre, where there are only two lanes, between KP 257, exit 35 at Vila-seca, Salou, Reus S. and Port Aventura, in the municipality of Vila-seca, and KP 344,8 the border between Tarragona and Castellón, in the municipality of Ulldecona, from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
The restriction on Sunday, September 25, from 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM will apply on:
➖ the northbound C-32, between KP 114, at the junction 113 at Canet de Mar, in the municipality of Canet de Mar, and KP 84.5, at the junction with the B-20, in the municipality of Montgat.
➖ the northbound AP-7 motorway, between KP 111.1, exit 11 at Sant Celoni and Montseny in the commune of Sant Celoni, and KP 133.8, exit 13 at Granollers, Montornès del Vallès and Vilanova del Vallés, in the municipality of Montornès del Vallès;
➖ the southbound AP-7 motorway, between KP 158, where the B-30 joins the AP-7, in the commune of de Sant Cugat del Vallés, and KP 213 in the commune of Banyeres del Penedès, the fork junction AP-7 / AP-2
➖ the B-23, between KP 8, exit 8 at Sant Feliu de Llobregat and Molins de Rei Sud, in the municipality of Sant Feliu de Llobregat, and KP 15.5 on the B 23, at the junction with the AP-7, in the municipality of Castellbisbal.
The restriction on Monday, September 26, from 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM will apply on:
➖ the northbound AP-7 motorway, between KP 111.1, exit 11 at Sant Celoni and Montseny in the commune of Sant Celoni, and KP 133.8, exit 13 at Granollers, Montornès del Vallès and Vilanova del Vallés, in the municipality of Montornès del Vallès;
➖ the southbound AP-7 motorway, between KP 158, where the B-30 joins the AP-7, in the commune of de Sant Cugat del Vallés, and KP 213 in the commune of Banyeres del Penedès, the fork junction AP-7 / AP-2
➖ the B-23, between KP 8, exit 8 at Sant Feliu de Llobregat and Molins de Rei Sud, in the municipality of Sant Feliu de Llobregat, and KP 15.5 on the B 23, at the junction with the AP-7, in the municipality of Castellbisbal.
HGV driving ban on the A2 section of the Poznań bypass
From the 20th of September 20, heavy goods vehicles with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3.5 tons will not be allowed to use the third, leftmost lane of the section of the A2, which consititues the southern part of the Poznań bypass. The ban will apply between the Poznań West and Poznań Krzesiny junctions in both directions.
The ban is one of the changes in the permanent traffic organization on the A2 section of the Poznań bypass with a view to improving road safety and traffic flow. Information about the ban will be communicated to drivers by means of lane control signs located on the gantries above the motorway carriageways.
Drivers are reminded that the maximum speed on the A2 section of the Poznań ring is 120 km/h for passenger cars and 80 km/h for heavy goods vehicles. Compliance with the regulations, including the requirement of using the right lane, helps to maintain smooth traffic and road safety.
Tirol increases the number of HGV traffic restrictions
According to the new calendar approved by the Tyrolean state government for the first half of 2023, there are 24 days when the number of lorries allowed to pass the German-Austrian border per hour will be limited. That is 3 more days than in the same period of 2022.
On these days, the police will slow down HGV traffic at a specially created checkpoint on the A12 in the direction of Innsbruck near Kufstein Nord, starting from 5 AM and, if necessary, bring it to a standstill so that only around 300 trucks from Germany are allowed to travel along the A12 per hour.
The calendar for the first half of 2023
➡ January 9 (Monday)
➡ February 6 (Monday)
➡ February 13 (Monday)
➡ February 20 (Monday)
➡ February 27 (Monday)
➡ March 6 (Monday)
➡ March 13 (Monday)
➡ April 26 (Wednesday)
➡ April 27 (Thursday)
➡ May 2 (Tuesday)
➡ May 15 (Monday)
➡ May 16 (Tuesday)
➡ May 17 (Wednesday)
➡ May 19 (Friday)
➡ May 26 (Friday)
➡ May 27 (Saturday)
➡ May 30 (Tuesday)
➡ May 31 (Wednesday)
➡ June 1 (Thursday)
➡ June 3 (Saturday)
➡ June 5 (Monday)
➡ June 6 (Tuesday)
➡ June 7 (Wednesday)
➡ June 9 (Friday).
Diesel lorries to be completely banned in Lyon by 2026
The French city of Lyon has voted in favour of establishing a stricter Low Emission Zone (ZFE) from next year. The use of diesel lorries, which is now restricted, will be banned altogether from 2026.
As a result of the last vote, the ban on passenger cars with category 5 environmental vignettes (diesel cars registered before 1 Jan 2001) and unclassified private vehicles came into force on 1 September 2022. According to the adopted schedule, the ban will be gradually extended between 2023 and 2026 to include vehicles belonging to categories 4 (Euro 4), 3 (Euro 5) and 2 (Euro 6).
The Low Emission Zone includes:
– almost all the municipal districts of Lyon,
– parts of Villeurbanne, Bron and Vénissieux contained within the Laurent Bonnevay ring road
– the entire municipality of Caluire-et-Cuire.
It is worth mentioning that the Low Emission Zone (ZFE) in the city of Lyon was established on January 1, 2020. The ban applies to HGVs and light commercial vehicles used for transporting goods with Crit’air 3, 4 or 5 stickers (category N), which means that these vehicles can no longer drive or park in the ZFE. Failture to comply entails a penalty of € 68 for light commercial vehicles and € 135 for trucks.
To support hauliers, the city of Lyon offers subsidies for the procurement of clean vehicles (running on natural gas or electric: BEV or FCEV):
• light commercial vehicles: EUR 5,000 for 100% CNG or 100% electric, EUR 8,000 for hydrogen vehicles ,
• lorries (with MAM of over 3,5 t): EUR 10,000 for 100% CNG or 100% electric vehicles, EUR 13,000 for hydrogen vehicles,
• electric powered tricycle: EUR 3000.
Hauliers purchasing HGVs or LGVs, can receive additional amount of 1,000 euros when they sign a green gas or green electricity supply contract for a minimum of 2 years.
Spain: A6 closures
The closures are due to resurfacing work on the section of the A-6 in Madrid in the direction of A Coruña between KP 12+850 and 18+000.
➡ two lanes of the A-6 in the direction of A Coruña will be closed from 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM and one lane from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM between 00:00 on Tuesday, August 16 and 12:00 on Friday, August 19
➡ The BUS-VAO road in the direction of Madrid will remain open from 6.30 AM to 11.30 AM and in the direction of Coruña from 12.00 to 11.00 PM, as this the central road with free access depending on the registered traffic volume
➡ The M-40 / M-503 / M-50 corridor is recommended as an alternative route.