Spain: a restriction for oversized vehicles on AP-7 in Castellbisbal
The restriction is related to construction work carried out by the administrator of the railway infrastructure.
As a result, all lanes of the AP-7 motorway (KP 166) in Castellbisbal (Barcelona province) have been narrowed and the organization of traffic at various stages of work will be changed. The width of the outer lane is now 3.40 m, with a much narrower shoulder. For this reason, this motorway section can no longer be used by oversized vehicles whose width exceeds 3.00 m.
❗It is estimated that the works will continue until July 1, 2023, so road hauliers are advised to use the A-2 between Martorell and Rubí instead.

Poland and France with additional weekend driving bans
The upcoming Friday, November 11, is a national holiday both in Poland (Independence Day) and in France (Armistice Day).
This means the holiday driving ban starts on Thursday, November 10: in Poland from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, in France from 10:00 PM to 12:00 PM.
10 November (thursday)
France 22:00 – 24:00
Poland 18:00 – 22:00
11 November (friday)
France 00:00 – 22:00
Poland 8:00 – 22:00
12 November (saturday)
Austria 15:00 – 24:00
France 22:00 – 24:00
Luxembourg 21.30-24.00 (in the direction of France)
Luxembourg 23.30 – 24.00 (in the direction of Germany)
Hungary 22:00 – 24:00
13 November (sunday)
Austria 00.00-22.00
Czech Republik 13.00-22.00
France 00.00-22.00
Liechtenstein 00.00-24.00
Luxembourg 00.00-21.45
Germany 00.00-22.00
Slovakia 00.00-22.00
Slovenia 8.00-22.00
Switzerland 00.00-24.00
Hungary 00.00-22.00
Italy 9.00-22.00

Hungary: a derogation from the winter HGV driving ban
As was the case in previous years, from November 4, less polluting lorries (EURO-3-4-5-6 and EEVs) in international traffic are exempt from the winter HGV driving ban.
In winter, weekend and holiday driving bans apply only to the most polluting and domestic lorries, usually from 10:00 PM on Saturdays to 10:00 PM on Sundays.
Every winter (from November 4 to March 1), the Hungarian government issues a decree granting this derogation to all HGVs that comply with the EURO 3 standard or higher and are used for international transport, i.e. carry out a cross-border transport operation. As a result, these vehicles do not have to be parked at weekends and on public holidays in the winter months.

Night closure of the Mont Blanc tunnel
Maintenance work on the French tunnel is starting and it has been decided to introduce changes to night-time traffic.
To allow the services to operate, traffic in the Mont Blanc tunnel will be completely interrupted at night:
– from Monday, 10 October, to Tuesday, 11 October, from 10pm to 6am,
– from Tuesday 11 October, to Wednesday 12 October from 7.30pm to 6am,
– from Wednesday, October 12, to Thursday, October 13, from 7.30 p.m. to 6 a.m,
– Thursday 13 October, to Friday 14 October, from 7.30pm to 6am.
Source: Febetra

HGV restrictions in Catalonia
Owing to forecasts of significant increases in traffic volume on the 4th and 6th of November, an additional restriction will be introduced on some road and motorway sections for vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum authorised mass of more than 7.5 tons, which are required to use the right lane and must not overtake other vehicles and drive faster than 80 km/h.
On Friday, November 4, between 3:00 PM and 9:00 PM, the restrictions will apply on the following road sections:
➖ the AP-7 motorway, between KP 126, exit 12B at La Roca del Vallés, Granollers and the junction with the C-60 in La Roca del Vallés, and KP 172, exit 25 at Martorell and the junction with the A-2 in the Martorell commune;
➖ the AP-7 motorway in the territory of Terres de l’Ebre, where there are only two lanes, between KP 257, exit 35 at Vila-seca, Salou, Reus S. and Port Aventura, in the municipality of Vila-seca, and KP 344,8 the border between Tarragona and Castellón, in the municipality of Ulldecona.
On Sunday, November 6, between 3:00 PM and 10:00 PM, the restrictions will apply on the following road sections:
➖ the northbound AP-7 motorway, between KP 111.1, exit 11 at Sant Celoni and Montseny in the commune of Sant Celoni, and KP 133.8, exit 13 at Granollers, Montornès del Vallès and Vilanova del Vallés, in the municipality of Montornès del Vallès;

HGV restrictions in Catalonia
Owing to forecasts of significant increases in traffic volume on the 28th, 30th of October and 1st of November, an additional restriction will be introduced on some road and motorway sections for vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum authorised mass of more than 7.5 tons, which are required to use the right lane and must not overtake other vehicles and drive faster than 80 km/h.
On Friday, October 28, between 3:00 PM and 9:00 PM, the restrictions will apply on the following road sections:
➖ the AP-7 motorway, between KP 126, exit 12B at La Roca del Vallés, Granollers and the junction with the C-60 in La Roca del Vallés, and KP 172, exit 25 at Martorell and the junction with the A-2 in the Martorell commune;
➖ the AP-7 motorway in the territory of Terres de l’Ebre, where there are only two lanes, between KP 257, exit 35 at Vila-seca, Salou, Reus S. and Port Aventura, in the municipality of Vila-seca, and KP 344,8 the border between Tarragona and Castellón, in the municipality of Ulldecona.
On Sunday, October 28 and November 1, between 3:00 PM and 10:00 PM, the restrictions will apply on the following road sections:
➖ the northbound AP-7 motorway, between KP 111.1, exit 11 at Sant Celoni and Montseny in the commune of Sant Celoni, and KP 133.8, exit 13 at Granollers, Montornès del Vallès and Vilanova del Vallés, in the municipality of Montornès del Vallès;
➖ the southbound AP-7 motorway, between KP 158, where the B-30 joins the AP-7, in the commune of de Sant Cugat del Vallés, and KP 213 in the commune of Banyeres del Penedès, the fork junction AP-7 / AP-2;
➖ the B-23, between KP 8, exit 8 at Sant Feliu de Llobregat and Molins de Rei Sud, in the municipality of Sant Feliu de Llobregat, and KP 15.5 on the B 23, at the junction with the AP-7, in the municipality of Castellbisbal.

What EU goods will be allowed to reach Russia?
Russia’s decision to ban EU hauliers, which becomes effective on October 10, is a response to an earlier sanction by the EU against Russian road hauliers, which will not be able to travel across EU countries from April 8.
Nevertheless, goods will continue to be delivered by land from EU countries to end users via Russia. To make it possible, goods will either be moved from foreign vehicles to Russian and Belarusian one or foreign trailers will be hitched to Russian and Belarusian tractors at customs terminals in the border areas of the Pskov, Kaliningrad, Leningrad and Murmansk oblasts, the Republic of Karelia and St. Petersburg.
This arrangement does not apply to the Kaliningrad Oblast in the case of international road transports originating in foreign countries and with destinations in the Kaliningrad District and in the opposite direction.
Foreign vehicles will still be able to pass through the territory of Russia to deliver goods to their destinations if their transshipment could negatively affect their quality or if it is not technically possible to reload them. This applies in particular to perishable goods, pharmaceutical and medical products and others of this kind.

The Czech Republic and Austria prolong border checks
In both countries, the control measures will be continued until October 28
The measure was originally introduced for a period of 10 days, i.e. until 8th of October. Since the the border still needs to be protected, the Czech government has decided to continue border checks for another 20 days.
„The increase in migration is dramatic, as the border checks have clearly shown, so it would not make sense to lift them now. At the upcoming meeting of EU ministers of the interior we will also deal with the situation along the Western Balkan route“, said Vít Rakušan, Czech Minister of the Interior.
Border checks temporarily introduced by Austria along the border with Slovakia and scheduled to end on October 8, will continue for another 20 days until October 28.

Spain: A-9 completely closed
The closure is due to construction work on the bypass connection between AP-9 and A-54, located in the urban area of Santiago de Compostela.
The affected motorway sections include both lanes of the AP-9 between KP 55 (Sigüeiro intersection) and KP 67 (Santiago Norte intersection), which will be closed from 10:00 PM on Wednesday, October 26, to 6:00 AM on Thursday, October 27.
Traffic towards A Coruña
Drivers heading for A Coruña will have to exit the AP-9 directly in front of the construction area (exit 67, Santiago Norte junction) and follow the recommended alternative route along the northbound SC-20 if they want to reach the A-54 or the Santiago-Rosalía de Castro international airport, and the SC-20 / N-550 if they are heading for Sigüeiro (exit 55), with the possibility of returning to the AP-9 in the direction of A Coruña.
Traffic towards Pontevedra
Drivers heading for Pontevedra will have to exit the AP-9 directly in front of the construction area at the Sigüeiro junction (exit 55) and follow the recommended alternative routes along the N-550 towards Pontevedra, or the SC-20 bypass with the possibility of returning to the AP-9 bound for Pontevedra via the Santiago Norte junction (exit 67).
In addition to standard vertical signs, information about the closure will be displayed on VMS panels along the AP-9 and information posters erected directly at motorway exits.

Clarification on German HGV driving bans on October 31 and November 1
Responding to numerous inqueries regarding driving bans on these two days, we include a detailed list:
The bans apply:
– October 31 – Reformation Day is a public holiday only in: Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia.
– November 1 (All Saints’ Day) is only a public holiday in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saar.
❌ Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia have special regulations concerning the Reformation Day and All Saints’ Day in the period 2020-2025. Reformation Day (October 31) is a public holiday in Lower Saxony, while All Saints’ Day (November 1) is a public holiday in North Rhine-Westphalia. To avoid situations where lorries traveling through Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia are affected by driving bans for 2 consecutive days, the periods when the bans are in effect have been changed. On both holidays, the driving ban applies from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM. In addition, both federal states allow lorries to use transit routes along the A 1, A 2, A 30, A 31 and A 33 on a public holiday during this period. These regulations will remain in effect until 2025.
List of motorway sections which can be used by HGVs between 6.00 AM and 10.00 PM on public holidays falling in a given federal state:
➡️ A1 – From the Lotte / Osnabrück motorway junction to the border between North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony at the Osnabrück-Nord junction and in the opposite direction.
➡️ A2 – From the Bad Oeynhausen junction to the border between Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt and in the opposite direction.
➡️ A 30 – From the Bad Bentheim border crossing (with the Netherlands) to the Bad Oeynhausen junction (A2) and in the opposite direction.
➡️ A31 – From the Schüttorf junction to the border between Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia and in the opposite direction.
➡️ A33 – From the Osnabrück-Süd junction to the Dissen-Süd junction and in the opposite direction.