Spain: a temporary derogation from drivers‘ hours in Februrary
In the face of difficulties experienced by tens of thousands of Spanish hauliers caused by protests started two weeks ago by Spanish farmers, the Ministry of Transport has decided to relax the rules regarding driving and rest times.
The protests have affected approximately 100,000 lorries, i.e. almost half of the Spanish HGV fleet. The new resolution, published on Tuesday, February 20, applies to all carriers affected by the above-mentioned protests in the period of 5-14 Februrary and 19-26 February.
By virtue of the derogation:
◾daily driving time has been extended from 9 to 10 hours,
◾weekly driving time – from 56 to 60 hours,
◾the daily rest period has been shortened from 11 to 9 hours,
◾drivers are allowed to postpone the start of the weekly rest period beyond six 24-hour periods.
The industry association FENADISMER has notified the Ministry of Transport about problems in the application of the derogation in the week from February 12 to 18, when two different rules were in force: the period covered by the resolution did not cover the days from February 15 to 18, although the revised rules apply on a weekly or daily basis and, therefore, take into account other time constraints that are in effect during the week.
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