In a bid to curb illegal migration, Finland closes 4 crossing points on the border with Russia
From November 18, the border crossings of Vaalimaa, Nuijamaa, Imatra and Niirala will be closed.
The measure is intended to stop the flow of Middle Eastern and African migrants into Finland. The government is ready to take even more radical measures if necessary. The border crossings will remain closed until February 18, 2024.
1/4 Hallitus on päättänyt sulkea rajan Kaakkois-Suomessa. Vaalimaan, Nuijamaan, Imatran ja Niiralan rajanylityspaikat suljetaan 18.11.2023. Asiasta päätettiin torstaina valtioneuvoston istunnossa. Päätös on voimassa 18.2.2024 asti.
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