Achtung! Verstärkte Straßenkontrollen in der EU
Die Aufsichtsbehörden in ganz Europa werden besonders darauf achten, ob Transportdienstleistungen gemäß den nationalen sowie internationalen Vorschriften legen.
Das europäische Verkehrspolizei-Netzwerk TISPOL hat angekündigt, in der Zeit vom 26. Februar bis 4. März verstärkte Fahrzeugkontrollen durchzuführen.
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German Unity Day on October 3 with HGV restrictions also in Austria and Luxembourg
Since German Unity Day is a nationwide public holiday, there is a driving ban for vehicles with a GVW over 7.5 tons, which is in effect along the entire...
Czechia: D1 reopened, with a speed limit on around exit 370
The section of D1 motorway near Ostrava - Svinov has been reopened, which means that traffic on the motorway can continue as usual, except for a 60kph speed...
Poland: the bridge on the Oder in Krosno Odrzańskie closed to HGV traffic
In response to a request from the authorities of Krosno Odrzańskie, the Ministry of Infrastructure has introduced a temporary ban for HGV traffic on the...