Toll exemption for vehicles with humanitarian aid for Ukraine
Following the example of Poland, Austria and Germany, the Czech Republic and Hungary have also adopted this measure.
– In the case of Poland, toll road charges for vehicles carrying humanitarian aid will not be collected. In addition, penalties will not be imposed on other Ukrainian vehicles that cannot pay the toll.
A similar approach has been adopted by ASFINAG, the operator of the Austrian motorway network. The exemption from toll charges applies to all types of vehicles. More information here: Bez zezwoleń i opłat dla towarów humanitarnych na Ukrainę.
In Germany, no toll is charged for vehicles transporting donated food, clothes, etc., more details in Pomoc humanitarna – ułatwienia w Niemczech..
– In the Czech Republic, passenger cars, trucks and buses with humanitarian aid are exempt from toll charges. In the case of vehicles with a MAM over 3.5 tons, hauliers are only obliged to complete an on-line form, and if their vehicle is equipped with an OBU, before departure they need to call the hotline to the administrator of the toll collection system. The exemption from tolls also applies to passenger cars with Ukrainian registration plates, which are allowed to use the toll motorway network in an emergency.
Carriers and drivers of lorries and buses with a MAM over 3.5 tons should report their humanitarian journey online. Before departute, they should complete a digital form – .
The form should be completed in Czech or English and sent to the following address [email protected]. An e-mail confirmation will be sent. Drivers of vehicles with humanitarian aid can find a detailed description of the procedure here.
The following information should be provided on the form:
➡ name and surname, telephone number of the contact person
➡ vehicle’s registration number
➡ vehicles over 3.5 t (YES / NO)
➡ the anticipated period when the vehicles will be using toll roads (from-to), including the return journey
➡ the anticipated route on toll roads
Vehicles with an OBU
If the vehicle’s On-Board Unit (OBU) is registered in the Electronic Toll Collection System, it is necessary to set the means of transport in the OBU before the journey. The procedure is described in the OBU manual, i.e. by calling the system operator’s customer service center at +420 243 243 243 (available 24/7) and connecting the OBU to the power supply. Alternatively, visit one of the Service Points.
Vehicle without an OBU
It is sufficient to fill in the form and submit it in accordance with the instructions provided above.
Drivers of vehicles up to 3.5 tons do not have to report a humanitarian journey in advance.
The Czech Ministry of Transport has decided to introduce an exemption from toll charges when the network of toll highways and 1st class roads is used to protect and rescue Ukrainian citizens. This means that the use of a toll road by a vehicle providing humanitarian aid is temporarily not subject to toll charges. This applies to both the time-based and distance-based charging system. The decisions has been communicated to the Czech police and the customs authorities.
– In Hungary, humanitarian transports are also exempt from transport restrictions. However, a short declaration must be completed in Hungarian: the link to the document below (Hungarian and English).
A government decree 190/2008 (VII. 29.) restricts the movement of heavy goods vehicles. Traffic restrictions do not apply to lorries meeting the EURO 3 standards or higher that transport humanitarian aid for a humanitarian organization.
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