Highways England: Upcoming A3 Closures
Highways England will be undertaking essential maintenance work to resurface sections of the A3, northbound and southbound carriageways near Godalming (Surrey), to ensure the network remains in a safe and serviceable condition.
25th February – 8th March
Southbound carriageway from the A31 Hogs Back to the A283 Milford Junction with a clearly signed diversion in place via the A31 and A325.
11th-20th March
Northbound Carriageway from the A325 Longmoor junction to the A31 Hogs Back, with a clearly signed diversion in place via the A325 and A31.
21st–27th March
Southbound carriageway from A31 Hogs Back to the A283 Milford junction, with a clearly signed diversion in place via the A31 and A325.
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