From today on: HGV traffic restrictions in London
The restrictions are associated with the introduction of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), which starts operating today, with the goal of improving air quality. The zone can only be accessed be vehicles that meet the more stringent emission standards or after paying a daily charge.
The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) replaces the T-Charge. The zone operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year, within the same area as the current Congestion Charging Zone (CCZ).
Which vehicles are affected:
• Cars (petrol and diesel)
• Vans, minibuses and lighter specialist vehicles
• Motorcycles, mopeds and more
• Lorries, coaches and other larger vehicles
All vehicles in the last category have to comply with the EURO VI standard, otherwise they will face a penalty charge of £1000 (£500 if paid within 14 days).
The daily charge is:
£12.50 for most vehicle types, including cars, motorcycles and vans (up to and including 3.5 tonnes)
£100 for heavier vehicles, including lorries (over 3.5 tonnes) and buses/coaches (over 5 tonnes).
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