ITALY – new guidelines on the controls of cabotage
Penalties can be as high as 10000 euros.On July 10 the Italian Ministry of the Interior published Circular No. 5507, which specifies the conditions for the...
Read MoreBELGIA – rośnie sieć dróg objęta opłatą dla pojazdów ciężarowych
Zgodnie z decyzją rządu belgijskiego regionu Flandrii od 1 stycznia 2019r siec dróg płatnych zwiększa się o prawie 39 km.Nowe odcinki objęte opłatami: -...
Read MoreGermany: HGV traffic bans on regional holidays should be lifted
The Federation of Transport Industry of Lower Saxony (GVN) demands that regional holiday traffic bans should be lifted.The example given by GVN is the...
Read MoreTraffic disruptions on the border crossing in Hrebennem
Since August 16, lorry drivers can expect temporary traffic disruptions at the border crossing in both directions due to construction work.Repair work on...
Read MoreItaly: HGV traffic ban on a bridge in Genoa
Since 20 August lorries with a maximum total permissible weight over 7.5 tons have been banned from using the Ponte Acciai di Genova bridge.Since 20 August...
Read MoreTirol increases the number of days with HGV traffic restrictions in 2019
According to the new schedule, there are 17 days between January and June on which the number of lorries allowed to cross the Austrian-German border between...
Read MoreHundreds of lorries turned back to Italy
The police in Austria have been strictly enforcing the vacation HGV traffic ban on motorways that go through the Inn Valley and the Brenner Pass (A12 and...
Read MoreAustriacka policja odesłała setki ciężarówek do Włoch
Policja austriacka konsekwentnie egzekwowała rozszerzony na terenie Tyrolu zakaz ruchu dla samochodów ciężarowych w okresie wakacyjnym na autostradach...
Read MoreTrzy całkowite zamknięcia autostrady M27
Utrudnienia te spowodowane będą pracami remontowymi na moście Romsey.Angielski zarząd autostrad Highways England poinformował o trzykrotnym pełnym...
Read MoreThree total M27 closures
The closures are associated with the works to replace Romsey Road Bridge over the M27.Highways England have just informed about three total closures of the...
Read MoreCatalonia: HGV traffic ban on N-340 and N-240
The ban is intended to shift HGV traffic away from national roads to motorways, with the primary goal of improving road safety and decreasing traffic...
Read MoreEngland: Drei komplette M27-Verschlüsse
Die M27 Autobahn wird komplett verschlossen um die Romsey Road Bridge über die M27 zu ersetzen.Highways England hat gerade über drei Totalschließungen der...
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