Update! Austria: exit bans on the A10 motorway to prevent traffic jam avoidance
The measure has been introduced at selected junctions of the A10 motorway in order to prevent through traffic on local roads adjacent to the motorway, which many drivers use to avoid traffic jams.
❗ In accordance with §§ 44a and 94b of the Austrian Road Traffic Act 1960 (StVO 1960), BGBl 159/1960, the Hallein District Office has issued the following restrictions which will be in effect from 19 December to 30 March 2025. The restrictions apply to the Hallein, Kuchl and Golling-Abtenau junctions and enter into force once appropriate road markings have been put in place.
❌All vehicles travelling on the A 10 motorway are banned from entering local roads at the junctions listed below, with the exception of:
◾ journeys to destinations within a specified radius (terminanting traffic),
◾ public and non-public bus services and taxis.
❌ The restrictions apply to the following roads:
◾ From the Hallein junction (exit 16) into the L107 Wiestal Landesstraße: except for destinations within a radius of up to 20 km.
◾ From the Kuchl junction (exit 22) to the B159 Salzachtal Straße: except for destinations within a radius of up to 15 km.
◾ From the Golling-Abtenau junction (exit 28) to the B 159 Salzachtal Straße: except for destinations within a radius of up to 35 km.
❌ Update!
The update issued on 11 December concerns sections of the A10 motorway where drivers try to avoid traffic jams by choosing local roads adjacent to the motorway.
Vehicles travelling towards Salzburg are prohibited from leaving the A10 motrway at the Pfarrwerfen-Werfen junction (exit 44) and entering L229 Affenwenger Landesstraße, with the exception of transports whose destination is located in the province of Salzburg.
The prohibition to enter adjacent municipal roads also applies at the following junctions:
◾ From the Eben im Pongau junction (exit 60) into the B99 Katschberg Straße towards Salzburg,
◾ On the turning lane of the Landzeit service area (Gasthof Eben Nord and Gasthof Eben Süd), on the Gasthofsiedlung estate and the Gasthof Süd inn.
The prohibitions do not apply to transports whose destination is in the province of Salzburg.
According to Art. 44 StVO 1960, the regulation enters into force once the appropriate road signs have been put in place appear.
Signage and enforcement
Signs put up at motorway junctions and local road intersections will inform about the ban and the exceptions.
❌ The signs have already been put up at:
◾ Intersection of the Hallein exit with the L 107 Wiestal Landesstraße (roundabout K1),
◾ Intersection of the Golling-Abtenau exit with the B 159 Salzachtal Straße at km 21.290,
◾ Intersection of the Kuchl exit with the B 159 Salzachtal Straße at km 14.356.
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