Spain relaxes driving and rest time regulations in response to road blocks in France
The Spanish Ministry of Transport has approved a temporary relaxation of driving and rest time for hauliers affected by protests of French farmers.
In the face of difficulties experienced by tens of thousands of Spanish hauliers caused by protests started two weeks ago by French farmers against the new environmental, tax and social policies introduced by the government of Galicia and the European Union, FENADISMER, a major Spanish transport association, has asked the Ministry of Transport to introduce temporary derogations from driving and rest times. About 30% of the entire Spanish transport fleet, or approximately 100,000 lorries, are affected by protests as they try to cross France heading for destinations in the rest of Europe. Every day, over 11,000 trucks cross the Spanish border in La Junquera, and about 10,000 in Irun. Financial losses sustained by Spanish hauliers due to these protests amount to EUR 10 million a day.
As a result, the Spanish Ministry of Transport has extended the maximum driving time for hauleirs affected by road blocks in France. These derogations are in force from January 22 to February 4.
By virtue of the derogation
◾ the daily driving time has been extended from 9 to 11 hours and weekly driving time – from 56 to 60 hours
◾ the total fortnightly driving time has been extended from 90 to 120 hours,
◾ the daily rest period has been reduced from 11 to 9 hours. In addition, drivers may take two consecutive reduced weekly rests of at least 24 hours, under certain conditions.
❗The temporary derogation applies only to hauliers who can present documents confirming that they are transporting goods through France during the period specified above.
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