France: closure of A43, the Frejus Tunnel impassable for heavy goods transport
Following a rock avalanche in the Maurienne valley in the French Alps, near the border with Italy, train traffic between France and Italy has been suspended. Many roads have also been blocked.
Since the safety barrier was not able to stop the landslide, about 700 m3 of rocks have descended on the roads and railway tracks. As a result, the A43 Maurienne motorway is now closed between St Michel and Le Freney in both directions. The Fréjus Tunnel, which connects France and Italy, is closed to HGVs, which are now obliged to follow a diversion through the Mont Blanc Tunnel. ADR transports have to travel via the A8 Ventimiglia.
Gros éboulement en fin d’après-midi à Saint-André en Savoie. L’autoroute A43 est fermée et le trafic des trains entre la France et l’Italie est interrompu jusqu’à nouvel ordre. (Loïc Borella)
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