Complete closure of the A7 north of Hamburg
Due to maintanace work on the high-voltage line, the A7 motorway will be completely closed in both directions between the Kaltenkirchen and Bad Bramstedt exits on Sunday, January 22, from 8:00 to 12:00.
Traffic towards Hamburg is diverted at the Bad Bramstedt junction (17) along the U 66, and towards Flensburg at the Kaltenkirchen junction along the U 45.
In addition, the following diversions are recommended for long-distance traffic: from the A7/A1 Horster Dreieck junction (37) south of Hamburg or from the A1 at the Buchholzer Dreieck junction (43) and then along the A1-A21-B205 to the Neumünster-Süd junction (15) or in the opposite direction for north and south-bound traffic. The diversion is indicated by variable message signs placed along the route.
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