Wzrost opłat za francuskie autostrady
Od 0,87% do 2,04% - o tyle od 1 lutego 2018r wzrosły opłaty za przejazdy francuskimi autostradami.Francja znacząco zwiększyła opłaty za przejazd na 9 tys,...
Read MoreHigher toll charges on French motorways
The new tariffs came into effect on 1 February 2018 toll, with increases ranging from 0.87% to 2.04%.Toll charges have been raised on 9000 km of French...
Read MoreNowy elektroniczny system opłat za przejazdy w Słowenii
Od 1 kwietnia 2018 r Słowenia przechodzi na nowy system opłat elektronicznych.Wszystkie pojazdy o dmc powyżej 3,5t muszą być zaopatrzone w nowe urządzenie...
Read MoreUwaga! Wzmożone kontrole na drogach w całej UE
Służby kontrolne w całej Europie będą zwracały szczególną uwagę na wykonywanie usług transportowych zgodnie z przepisami krajowymi, jak również...
Read MoreIntensive road side checks all over EU
Inspection authorities throughout Europe are going to pay special attention to whether transport services are being provided in compliance with national and...
Read MoreNew electronic toll system for trucks in Slovenia
On 1 April 2018 the Republic of Slovenia will introduce a free-flow electronic tolling system for all vehicles with a permissible maximum weight of over 3.5...
Read MoreWill German parking facilities be more secure?
The Federal Office for the Transport of Goods in Germany has launched a funding programme to cover the major part of the costs of using secure parking...
Read MoreMaddalena Pass closed for another 2 months
The border road between Italy and France, an important transport route for the region of Piemont, has been closed to lorry traffic for 90 days and will...
Read MoreDeutschland: Überholverbote auf der A14
Insgesamt sechs Überholverbote für Lkw werden auf den Autobahnen des Freistaats eingerichtet: A4: Anschlussstellen Hermsdorf bis Ohorn in Richtung...
Read MoreAdditional traffic bans for lorries in Austria. The first one starts on March 30
In addition to the normal calendar of bans scheduled in 2018, concerning holidays and night driving bans, the Austrian government has introduced additional...
Read MoreSpending weekly rest spent in the vehicle is not good for business
The European Transport Workers’ Federation, in its open letter published on 9 April and addressed to members of the European Parliament says it will not...
Read MoreNew rules for cargo securing in Spain
The regulation, due to come into effect on 20 May, will impose new cargo securing obligations on hauliers.The rules will apply to all vehicles travelling at...
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