Austria introduces a NEW winter driving ban on local roads
The new driving ban will come into effect from December 23 in the districts of Schwaz, Kufstein and Reutte in Tyrol and will apply to several regional roads...
Read MoreHow to ask a question about driving bans to get an answer?
We are happy to answer every question, but we are not always able to guess what exactly you are asking about.Of course, we always try to follow up with...
Read MoreBelgium: night closure of the Zelzate tunnel
The reason for the closure are firefighting exercises of the Central Fire Service in the tunnel tube towards Antwerp.The exercises will start around 9 PM on...
Read MoreAustria przedłużyła kontrole graniczne z Czechami
Zgodnie z rozporządzeniem Federalnego Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych, kontrole graniczne na wspomnianej granicy mają potrwać do 16 grudnia 2023 roku włącznie.6...
Read MoreAustria prolongs controls at the border with Czechia
By virtue of a regulation issued by the Austrian Minister of the Interior, checks at the Austrian-Czech border will continue until December 16, 2023.The...
Read MoreNo more overtaking on the D1 in Czechia
On Saturday, November 11, an overtaking ban for lorries with a MAM over 3.5 t was introduced in the Czech Republic, which also applies to the D1...
Read MoreAustria po raz kolejny przedłużyła kontrole graniczne ze Słowacją
Zgodnie z nowym rozporządzeniem zdecydowano się na przedłużenie kontroli granicznych z Republiką Słowacją do 2 lutego 2024 roku.W Federalnym Dzienniku Ustaw...
Read MoreAustria prolong border controls
By virtue of an amendment to the regulation on the temporary reintroduction of border controls at internal borders with the Slovak Republic, published in...
Read MoreTirol: 24 days with limited cross-border HGV traffic in 2024
According to the official restriction schedule, there are 24 days when the number of lorries passing through the checkpoint at the Kufstein-Nord border...
Read MoreGermany prolongs border checks until at least December 15
Nancy Faeser, German Minister of the Interior, has prolonged checks along the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland until December 15.The...
Read MorePoland prolongs controls at the border with Slovakia
The Polish Minister of the Interior and Administration has prolonged border checks at the Polish-Slovak border until November 22.The border can only be...
Read MorePoland once again prolongs controls along the border with Slovakia
Poland’s Minister of the Interior and Administration has decided to prolong checks along the border with Slovakia from December 4 to January 2, 2024.Border...
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