5 upcoming days with traffic restrictions for lorry drivers
In the first half of June the Austrian authorities have planned 5 days (3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 June) when the number of lorries entering Tyrol will be limited.
On these days, from 05:00 AM the police will slow down HGV traffic at a designated checkpoint on the A12 near Kufstein Nord in the direction of Innsbruck and, if necessary, will stop it in order to make sure that only about 300 lorries arriving from Germany are allowed to cross the border per hour.
For 2022, the Tyrolean regional government has planned 38 days on which southbound HGV traffic at the Kufstein / Kiefersfelden border crossing will be limited. The following list includes dates remaining until the end of the year:
June 3 (Friday)
June 4 (Saturday)
June 7 (Tuesday)
June 8 (Wednesday)
June 9 (Thursday)
June 13 (Monday)
June 14 (Tuesday)
June 15 (Wednesday)
June 17 (Friday).
July 4 (Monday)
July 11 (Monday)
July 18 (Monday)
July 25 (Monday)
October 4 (Tuesday)
October 27 (Thursday)
November 2 (Wednesday)
November 3 (Thursday)
November 16 (Wednesday)
November 17 (Thursday)
November 23 (Wednesday)
November 24 (Thursday)
November 30 (Wednesday)
December 1 (Thursday)
December 9 (Friday)
December 13 (Tuesday)
December 14 (Wednesday).
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